St.Neots Model Railway Club
East Anglian Model Railway Exhibition 2013
East Anglian Model Railway Exhibition 2013
East Anglian Model Railway Exhibition 2013 Review
Despite the wintery conditions nearly 2000 visitors joined us for the 2013 East Anglian Model Railway Exhibition at the new Huntingdon Racecourse venue.
The vintage bus carrying passengers to and from Huntingdon Railway Station was reluctant to start on Sunday morning amidst the snow flurries but roared into life with a little encouragement. The cold also failed to chill the enthusiasm for the outside steam attractions or the smiles.
With all new venues we find out all sorts of things at the event that had not been expected.
We have taken on board feedback from visitors and will improve the site plan and signage next year so thank you to everyone who completed a feedback form.
Eileen’s Emporium Prize for the
Best Scratch Built Item on a Layout
Won by Dragonby
much of the scratch building being done by Richard Dockerill – see inset on main photo.
Many thanks to our judge Paul Bason.
Best Layout as voted by the public won by the N Gauge exhibit
Newcastle by the Water
from Alsager Railway Association
Finally, I would like to say thank you to all exhibitors, traders, demonstrators, stewards, racecourse staff and fellow organisers who made this event possible.
Most of all, thank you to all of you who braved the weather and visited us. See you again in 2014
Considering the balmy weather in 2012, the arctic temperatures of 2013 definitely reduced our numbers but we will all be there again on 8th & 9th March 2014.
Watch the website for updates on layouts, traders and demonstrators attending.
Photos courtesy of Paul Bason